local college who wrote complimenting me on a clear and reasoned approach to the subject. It's kind of warming to receive such mail. I got several of the same type from professional people who saw the Allen Burke show in various areas. It's encouraging.

Thursday, Memorial Day Barbara's brother was kind enough to drive me all around Denver and up into some of the foothills of the rockies which was both pretty and interesting. My thanks for the excursion. That night the three men and 2 wives and Virginia had dinner in the hotel and later we three girls left the men and went up to my room so that I could visit with the wives alone. They are both swell people with their feet on the ground and understanding of the pattern. It is always such a pleasure to meet wives who realize that the happiness of their husband is more important than their conformation to some socially required form of conduct. They were in such contrast to another wife I met on the trip whose neurotic need for a masculine image is so great that she is making her husband's life completely miserable. It is so sad that there are so many un-understanding wives who find it necessary to literally dictate to their husbands what they shall do and be. If these wives came anywhere near conforming to the ideals that their husbands undoubtedly have for a truly loving and lovely feminine wife they might have a leg to stand on, but generally they are a long way from their husbands desires so who are they to complain . but they do. Enough philosophy!

Friday morning I paid a visit to a magazine distributor in Denver and obtained an order from him so that the magazine will now become available on Denver newstands. Them I called the Police Dept. from a pay station and got ahold of one of the Divisional Chiefs. I asked him the law in Denver and was told that it was illegal under all circumstances except going to or coming from a masquerade party. I told him that I was a TV, gave lectures, published etc. and that I would have liked to come down and give him some information on the subject if I got safe conduct. He told me it would be a waste of time and that he could